Wednesday, December 16, 2009

To Cut or Not to Cut

that is the question.

There is great debate on whether it is time for Claire Elaine's first haircut. Mommy votes no, Daddy doesn't seem to have an opinion but the Grandma's are in favor of cutting the Eddie Munster off. I don't know . . . that was until the other morning at breakfast and she smeared oatmeal/yogurt in her hair . . .

I kind of caught her off guard there. But the picture makes me giggle when I see it.

This one she was more prepared for - noticed her nicely laced hands?

So what is your vote? Cut or not?
Does she really have enough hair to spare?


Anonymous said...

Cut - it will grow back so much better and thicker - not to mention fast!


nosila said...

It's either cut it or pull it up with a rubberband and big bow! ;-)

Cindy said...

Cut to just where the majority of the hair is, that would get rid of the thinned out look...