Monday, June 1, 2009

Ladies Do Not Spit . . .

said Grandma Jude, said Grandma Deal, said Mommy, said Auntie Alison, said Daddy.

And try not to laugh when she spits, Grandpa, it only encourages her.

I guess my kid ain't much of a lady because we are in the throes of the "Spitting Battle." Yes, the adorable raspberry from months ago has progressed into quite a voracious raspberry that we are now calling "a spit" or "spitting". It feels like she does it a million times a day but it is really only probably about forty or fifty. Quite a few if there are also peas, carrot, rice cereal, et al involved. To say the least we are tired of it. “No spitting” is one of the most frequently uttered phrases around the house these days . . . and then there is a debate – do we ignore her, do we just correct when there is food involved, is this just a phase . . . please, please let this just be a phase . . . I am tired of finding little balls of concrete (dried cereal) in my hair, I am tired of dodging mashed veggies, fruit and cereal, and I am really running out of excuses to get other people feed her . . . Anybody want to babysit?

So to remind us all that there are sweet times and sometimes you just need to hold on to something because you feel like the world is moving too fast, a picture of daddy and Claire . . .

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