Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The Motley Crew

Since Claire has never been much of a sleeper and can stand and crawl etc - getting her to sleep is a new challenge. So we started putting toys in her crib to at least keep her company during quiet time if she isn't going to sleep. Please meet her friends -

Giggly turtle, tickle frog, monster, jack the jack-o-lantern (she is my daughter!) and snuggle bunny. Oh, and don't forget Goodie.

Evidently they all got into a row the other morning after her nap (her father swears she was asleep when he put her down) because this is what I came to find when I got her up -

Can you find them all in the picture? *sigh*

And lets talk about that mouth full of crib she has there. I can't decide if it is a vitamin deficiency or if there is woodchuck somewhere in the Hassler line but she is eating her crib. I often have to clean specs of lacquer off of her when I get her out of her crib in the morning and after naps. Please see Exhibit A below -

Any suggestions on stopping my little woodchuck? We are still planning a sibling for Claire (however misguided a notion it is . . .) but we need this crib to last for the next one . . . and I can't imagine it is that good for her . . . and she isn't lacking for fiber . . . So it leaves me with one question -

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Could it be an entire crib?

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