Friday, February 3, 2012

Oh the things they can do . . .

I haven’t been very good about reporting milestones lately so here is a round up of recent events.


Alec can get himself into a sitting position. (1/7/12)


And Claire wanted in the picture too.


And two days later he figured out how to pull-up.


And Claire wanted to be in the picture too.

And over the month of January Alec got another four teeth. Plays put your head to one side, claps, clicks his tongue, raspberries, and jabbers with the best of them.  January was a big month.

Claire is doing well in school. She has a good handle on her colors, shapes and sings songs and is very interested in reading. She can say her alphabet and numbers and is just starting to identify them. And of course she is always saying things that make us giggle. I am going to compile a list an post it later because of course I can only remember two now that I am trying to write it down.

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