Monday, June 28, 2010

Daisy’s Laundress

Daisy has acquired quite the wardrobe over the last few months. And since she goes everywhere Claire goes, with no exception but actually into the bathtub, she amasses a lot of laundry.

IMG_4654And of course it is all “line dry only.”

IMG_4655 Claire takes care of putting away Daisy’s laundry.

IMG_4657 She carts it from the laundry room.

IMG_4660 Puts it in Daisy’s special drawer.

IMG_4664Changes her jammies -

IMG_4665 and puts them away.

IMG_4667And puts her day clothes on her. Everyday. Without fail (usually with Mommy or Daddy’s help).

1 comment:

Winnie said...

That's adorable!