Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Visiting the Blancos

As many of you know one of my dearest and best friends is Daymara. We met in Graduate School and she is my Venezuelan sister. We have been friends for a long time now and we always try to get up to see her and her parents when they visit. This past Saturday was the “Come see Mama and Papa Blanco party.” So Claire, Grammy and I made the trip up the hill (not to Venezuela – maybe some day). It was a lot of fun. The Blancos do not speak English, but neither does Claire, yet. Luckily “baby” is international. They had a lot of fun visiting, chatting and giving high fives.

Also while we were there we got to see my other dearest and best friend from Graduate School, Isabel, and her adorable kiddos. Her parents are also visiting. They are from China.

And one other note from the party, Claire found a new boyfriend, Mateo. He is a 21 month old blond Italian of few words. She was just chasing him and patting him and putting her head on him. Mateo didn’t have a clue as to what to do. What do we have in store for us?

Claire with the Blancos

Claire and Isabel’s parents, the Fangs

Claire and her Auntie Daymara (after they both had to change clothes because Claire urped all over the both of them . . . )

Claire and her Auntie Isabel and Kaia.

Claire with her new found love, Mateo.

Claire with all of the kids – Mateo, Yamen, Kaia, & Claire

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