Thursday, August 13, 2009


It seems Claire has discovered windows. She is really interested in looking outside now. These hot summer days we have been trapped inside more than we like. Not a lot of outdoor activities going on these days. Regardless, Claire is still taking note of the goings on on the other side of the glass.

We thought it was so cute, this new found interest in these portals to the outside world, until this happened last night after her bath . . .

Still cute but we weren't bargaining for a neighborhood show . . . luckily there is nothing outside her window except a windowless wall of our neighbor's house. Not sure what was so interesting but something certainly was to a one-year-old!

**There was much debate on whether there should be another naked bottom on the blog but the grandmas said it was okay and cute so here she is in all her glory. Probably the last one unless it is _really_ cute.**

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