Sunday, January 1, 2012

Christmas Eve at Grandma and Pa’s

We had Christmas Eve at Grandma and Pa Hassler’s like we always do. It was a log of fun!


Claire and her second cousin Joslyn. Joslyn is a week shy of being a full year older than Claire.

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Claire got a lot of really neat presents but any one who was there knows the Maracas were the biggest hit. Mommy wants to know what Daddy did to Aunt Cindy when they were young . . .

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Joslyn and Claire danced and danced shaking the maracas . . .


Alec playing with Grandma and the wrapping paper.


Claire and Cousin Blake. What is shy looking at?


Better but the eyes are still straying . . .


Alec and Cousin Blake – straight to camera.


And that family across the street that Mommy and Daddy visit every year and take their family pic.

Merry Christmas!

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