Friday, October 15, 2010

Garage Zoo

We were working in the garage the other day and kept running across wildlife and Mommy finally started to take some pictures.

IMG_5202 The walking stick was outside the garage door and hung around for a couple of days.

IMG_5201This guy was hiding in some of Gramps’ equipment. Quite the surprise when we found her.

IMG_5204This was a grasshopper that didn’t hang around for long. He rivaled a hummingbird in size.

“It’s all happening at the zoo . . .”


Anonymous said...

Eeeeeeekkkkk! Is your zoo now D E A D ???? Heebie Jeebies!!!!

;). Sheri F

Ashlee said...

That tarantula was in your house? Okay, I'm not sure we will be making a repeat visit. :)