Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Fifteen Month Check-up

Claire had her fifteen month check-up appointment with the doctor today and Grammy escorted us to 1) meet the doctor and 2) (unbeknownst to her until time) to hold Claire while she got her shots (Mommy does not do that - Mommy is the post-shot relief). And everyone did really well! Claire didn't even cry until the second shot! Yay Grammy!

Claire weighs 25.5 pounds (95%) and she is 31 inches tall/long (65%).

The doctor said she is right on track and actually ahead of the game in many areas. She was quite impressed with her fine motor skills, how observant she is and some of her tricks. She was especially impressed when Claire took her shoe and got it half way on. She also said she is a tough cookie and not to be worried that she doesn't cry when she whacks her head or falls. And she also mentioned to "I" word . . . Independent . . . wonder where she got that.

All in all it was a good visit. Mom really liked Dr. I. so that makes two seals of approval from the grandmothers on the new pediatrician!

Here is a pic for a reward for reading the medical update. This was taken a couple of weeks ago when she was showing Cecelia her costume.

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